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Organic Meats

We are blessed to have been able to take control of our own meat consumption.  We're from the Midwest.  Meat and Potato country.  There are not a lot of meals that don't include some sort of cut to enjoy.

We feel that if you're going to eat over a thousand meals a should enjoy what your eating.  As well as ensuring you know the quality of what you consume.

We've all heard the saying as kids "you are what you eat."  It is why we feed our animals the best quality organic hay/feed that we can get.


We enjoy countless cuts of beef, lamb, pork, and chicken that taste amazing.

We are excited to extend our freezer to yours.  

**Due to events in the world of 2020-21, we saw unprecedented demand for our meat.  As a result there are some limitations to what we have available.

We've already make changes to ensure that we can increase with the demand in 2021 and beyond.

Buy Meat Packages
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